Shiyue Wang

As a designer, I am interested in exploring new ways of looking in the everyday living experience with conceptual lens. In practice, I like to use mundane objects and subjective data to illustrate intangible concepts with clarity, legibility and elegance.

Installation, Mix media, Found objects on Gypsums, Publication         Wounded City is a collection that showcases damaged aesthetics, inspired by the remnants of decay I discovered while wandering through Rotterdam. I found myself intrigued by the unique textures, which led me to work with tangible materials. I used gypsum paste to preserve city traces like rocks, rusted wire, and skid marks on the road.

Website, 2023
          Traces matter. Absences matter. They are everywhere in our everyday life. "Traces of Absence" is a virtual exhibition that brings the concept of absence into focus, revealing its inherent relationship with the material and behavioral sources that define what is missing. It features a curated collection of trace photos, each accompanied by its index, hosted on this site. With intentional curation, this exhibition presents four genres of traces—each reflecting on the profound emptiness left by presence.
          Drawing inspiration from the essay "Placing and Tracing Absence: A Material Culture of the Immaterial”, the exhibition proposes that absence is not a lack but a relation, textured and made material through the very processes that seek to negate it.
          This digital gallery celebrates the unseen, recognizing the significance of both the space and the object, and prompts reflection on the traces we leave in the world. It invites viewers to engage deeply and reflect on how these transient moments affect our shared experience.

Type Design
A type explored the voids between ‘presence and absence.

Annotated review Booklet, 2023, on Essay ‘Placing and Tracing Absence- A material culture of immaterial’

Typeface, 2023
       Lunaji is a typeface inspired by the Fictional novel ‘Invisible Planets’, which features a narrow, high x-height typeface with less contrast to evoke mystery. The star-shaped dot symbolizes the starry universe and the typeface is designed to convey a spirit of exploration and imagination inherent in sci-fi journeys. By assigning a color for each planet and designing printed ephemera for them, I give each planet its own identity. * The image of the planet is generated by DALL-E.

Blackout as A Boundary 
Publication, 2022
       'Blackout as a Boundary' explores the role of electric lighting in our life, representing the dynamics of light and darkness. The book, structured into three parts, contrasts a structured 'Illumination' chapter with a chaotic 'Darkness' chapter and features a sudden darkening, referred to as a "BLACKOUT."

Installation, 2023
       An Installation that tells the untold stories of parcel boxes’s lives in their silent existence and voice, from their perspectives, with each box contributing its own thoughts, feelings, and travel experiences. Together, these parcels form a collective narrative that can be read in a non-linear way, allowing the audience to move, open, and read from different directions. 

Publication, 2023
       Vulnerable Cuts is a book that presents the act of cutting flowers as a metaphor for objectification and dominance. It explores the imbalanced power dynamics between humans and nature, specifically through the act of cutting flowers for aesthetic purposes. Their natural bloom life is much longer than vase life.

Poster, 2023

This is not A “...“
Objects, Photography, 2022


Writing/Publication, 2022
A print publication that unpacks the meaning of the term ‘Observation’ in five different pieces of text and images. Made at in Graduate Seminar I course at the Rhode Island School of Design, taught by Anther Kiley.

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