The Travel Log 

Graduation Project with a focus on Data Design at Willem de Kooning Acadmy, NL

The ‘travel log’ is a set of newspaper which revealed the tracking measures and published case information in different countries during COVID-19. The investigated information of each different country was displayed by one issue of newspaper with a similar structure for the purpose of telling the comparison. The project provided a sideview of the tracked lives and sacrificed privacy of people in different countries under the COVID-19 crisis.

Information on the travel details of confirmed cases helps assess infection risk but also creates insecurity. This situation intrigued me, leading me to explore the impact of strict prevention measures on people's perceptions and to encourage a reevaluation of the trade-off between privacy and safety. The diverse and abundant information gathered from tracking to publishing, along with personal feelings, builds a story behind the 'travel log' in this project. 

Selected spread of Issue 01 China, the Travel Log of every individual case
Selected spread of Issue 02 Italy, the information necessity

       Issue 01 China, 16 pages
        Issue 01 Italy, 16 pages
         Issue 01 Netherlands, 12pages
The colors were defined by the lengths of their released personal informations. Lighter colors brings a lower readablitiy for that the less information it releases, the less privacy it touches therefore makes it harder to locate to individual person.

Issue 01 China 
Issue 01 China

Issue 02 Italy
Issue 03 Netherlands